Meeting My Foodie “Idol”

There was a time, not long ago,  where I hid my love for                                                          wacky food combinations Having just entered corporate America, I wasn’t sure if it was ya know, unprofessional to bring a giant kitchen sink salad drenched in cottage cheese, bbq sauce other random toppings to the office. Would they judge me for my eclectic (to put it kindly) food pairings?

And then….I came across Hungry Girl. All of a sudden, I realized there was a potential for my “wacky” to become the norm. After a quick read of her online newsletter, I felt like this Hungry Girl was reading my mind! 5 years, countless books and one television show later, the woman is officially a foodie celebrity. The Washington Post even called her the “queen of processed food” (which I found absolutely hilarious). I genuinely admire those who eat vegan, organic, natural, sustainable, vegetarian, preditarian, saladitarian….BUT in my sometimes UNhealthy lifestyle, none of these are options. Thus, HG works for me!

So you can imagine my excitement when I found out, via my twitter feed, that  she was conducting a book signing for her latest future best seller, “300 Under 300” at a Barnes and Noble a mere ONE express subway stop. There was no way I was missing the chance to meet the Michael Jordan of weird food. And she did not disappoint. Continue Reading →

Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down!

I’d say “Happy Monday” but that just feels so…wrong. Let’s face it, even if you’re lucky enough to have your dream job, Mondays are just plain daunting. If you’re reading my blog, you’re probably just like me (although probably not NEARLY as disorganized): your schedule during the week is absolutely packed and by Friday you’re completely wiped.

So I always try to start my week off with a nice lil morning workout and  a good breakfast. (Please note: This does not always happen) Continue Reading →