Grill It! With Sometimes Healthy Girl

Summer Summer Summertime,

Time to sit back and unwind…. (CLICK HERE to play this song)

Forget Bobby Flay - You've Got ME!

This “classic” song has been playing in my head lately…Okay, I suppose it’s not yet summer or even close to it for that matter. BUT, two days of close to 80 degrees temp in NYC, combined with a weekend in Texas, had me feeling that summertime vibe. And then I started thinking about grilling.

Then I remembered that I live in NYC, not Omaha, and I cannot just throw a burger on the grill whenever my heart desires. Oh, and the fact that this Sometimes Healthy Girl couldn’t cook a good burger to save her life (or any other slab of meat for that matter). So what’s a girl to do when she’s lacking a grill AND grill skill. Well, she breaks out the Foreman Grill and goes to town… Continue Reading →