WIAW: Because I can’t run WITH Cupcakes

Welcome to yet another “What I Ate Wednesday” (WIAW). Do you look forward to Wednesday as much as I do? There’s nothing more interesting than reading about a day in the life of someone, as told through her weird and wacky eats. Remember, if you love my WIAW’s, there are plenty more over at Jen’s blog.

Yesterday started off bright and early. Or rather, dark and early. I still can’t get over how much darker it is here in the morning than on the East Coast. I had another exciting job interview on the agenda tomorrow morning, so my mind woke me up way before my iPhone alarm went off. I took some extra time to sip on my coffee, prepare for my interview and take down a small breakfast.


Bananas n’ honey toast plus a little cinnamon.  Nice and simple. I don’t do elaborate breakfasts before 6 AM.

I made my way to the gym in the pitch dark only to find that it was closed for renovations. It was way too cold and dark to run outside. Sigh. Undeterred, I headed to my parents’ gym to use a guest pass and banged out 9 miles. I’m running in a half marathon this month, and as I’ve mentioned before, I don’t do training plans these days. I just run long distances when I’m in the mood and shorter distances the rest of the time. Very scientific.


The best part of my run is that I got to watch the sun rise through the floor to ceiling windows, without having to deal with all that cold weather. As you may recall from last WIAW, I’m a huge fan of sunrises. And in case you’re wondering about the deeper meaning of that, you should know that I listened to the Nelly Pandora station to close out my run. Continue Reading →