Kitchen Sink Salad- Thanksgiving Style

Wish I had time to make this...but I'll settle for the Kitchen Sink Salad version 😉

Nope, it’s not a typo, you read it right. Tonight I was craving another Kitchen Sink Salad, but with a Thanksgiving twist. I don’t know what it is about Mondays and giant salads, but this appears to be a consistent pattern for me. I think there are 2 reasons for this: a) I’m usually tired on Mondays and b) I crave something healthy after a weekend of Sometimes Healthy or just plain UNhealthy meals.

True, an Easter Egg Salad might have been more appropriate (still coming), but hey, if you can have Christmas in July, why not Thanksgiving in April? I got my “inspiration” for this salad back when I worked in Chicago and and enjoyed the perks of a giant salad bar in the building next door. I developed all sorts of creations in this salad mecca, and every now and then I recreate them. Continue Reading →