Mini Me Invades My Kitchen

Mini Me, You Complete Me

It’s a rainy Sunday here in NYC, and I’m not complaining. Sometimes I love rainy days because I feel less guilty for succumbing to the Couch Monster and watching reality tv and Food Network, while catching up on blogs. Plus I had some leftovers to chow down on from yesterday’s “mini me” kitchen invasion….

Fun with Muffin Pans!

Ever since I saw Holly’s post about Mini Pancake Muffins, I just couldn’t get them off my mind. Considering how much I love egg muffins, I just knew these adorable little things were right up my alley. So I figured, I might as well just make them both: a little Mini Me Extravaganza in the Sometimes Healthy Kitchen. (Some magazines call Egg Muffins “mini omelets,” so that’s why I figured Mini Me was appropriate for this post. Couldn’t pass up the opportunity to headline a post with Mini Me.)

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