Barbeque Sauce Makes Everything Better

When your day starts off like this it’s probably not going to be a good day right??

A Flooded Sometimes Healthy Kitchen. Oh My

This picture would be my flooded Sometimes Healthy kitchen, and this little flood is the way I started off my Sunday. You may be asking yourself, “How did you manage this one Sometimes Healthy Girl?” Well, it’s actually quite simple. You see, I was so wrapped up in writing yesterday’s race recap, that I completely forgot I was running the water in my sink to soak my blender after the previous day’s smoothie fest. 15 minutes later, I looked back at the sink to find water and suds everywhere! The blender was blocking the drain! OOPSIES!

Do you get it now? This is why I refrain from cleaning. Bad things happen every time I give it a shot. Looking back, I’m strangely proud of this little flood. I don’t think many people could accomplish the feat of flooding a sink less than 2 feet away, but I managed! Gold star please? A little absent-minded? You bet ya! That’s me for better or for worse. To know me is to love me ;-).

Anyway, needless to say, being the melodramatic person that I am, this little incident rocked my world just a bit. I knew only two people could turn this day around.

These two always cheer me up

Luckily, I was set to meet up with the brother and soon-to-be sister bear in just a couple of hours to have some fun at the annual Big Apple BBQ. Continue Reading →