Takin it to the Tropics…Kitchen Sink Salad Style

Another Monday, Another plan astray! I had such a great meal planned for tonight, but by the time I finished work and put in my 7 miles at the gym, it was too late and I was just too tired to put some major time into dinner. THUS, another Kitchen Sink Salad was born…I think I may just need to rename it the Monday Night New Yorker’s Kitchen Sink Salad. I believe this is the third week in a row.

First we had the Fiesta, then the Thanksgiving Style and now…. Continue Reading →

Turn that Monday Frown Upside Down – Cake Pops For Breakfast?

Even though I didn’t get to sleep until late last night, due to a little “wallet mishap,” there was no way I could have a Monday frown on my face, because I saw these right when I entered the office:

So much better than Starbucks!

Yep, cake pops – homemade cake pops. One of our coworkers did some hardcore baking this weekend, and we were all very impressed. I grilled her on the recipe, but I still didn’t get quite how she did it. As we all sat around sampling the hip and delicious cake pops, someone made the ultimate compliment: “Wayyyy better than Starbucks.” Has anyone seen the cake pops at Starbucks? Well, apparently they’ve got nothin’ on the ones we enjoyed for breakfast 😉

In addition to the unexpected cake pop breakfast, here are some other reasons I’m turning the Monday frown upside down: Continue Reading →

And I Gotta Say, Today was a Good Day

Bye bye April Showers - helloooo sunshine! My walk to the gym was bliss

From country music on Friday, to a little bit of old school rap on this beautiful Sunday here in NYC. If you’ve never heard Ice Cube’s “It was a Good Day,” please check out the link at the bottom of this post. Rap music doesn’t always run deep (and neither does country), but sometimes it just captures my mood so perfectly. This song is as simple as it sounds: It’s about a good day; one of those days where everything just runs smoothly and it’s all good :-).

Well, as my friend Ice Cube put it so eloquently back in 1995, “Today was a Good Day” here in NYC. The rain and clouds cleared away from yesterday and brought lots of sunshine and surprises.

Started out the day with a walk and some kickboxing (my version of yoga), moved onto a little whiffle ball, got a little starstruck, enjoyed a bit of pampering and finally rounded it ALL out with a delicious Italian dinner.

Here’s the short recap. Continue Reading →

April Showers and Learnin’ to LUV the Treadmill

I had a great post planned for today. Let’s just say it involved the great outdoors. But then mother nature intervened….

Rainy big city

Oh April Showers – how dare you interrupt my exciting plans? But, alas, it was a rainy day in the Big Apple, so I needed to motivate myself to brave the windy rain and head to the gym for a run. Continue Reading →

A Little Pizza and Some Country

Party Jamie!

When I first moved to NYC, I felt guilty about staying in on a Friday night. For some reason, I thought it was “uncool” to stay home on Friday nights if you were a 20-something living in the Big Apple. I felt like I always had to have my “party hat” ready to go. Well, two years later, that is definitely no longer the case….

My night tonight consisted of dinner and a movie…in the ‘ol apartment. It was a long week at work, and I was ready for some relaxin’ by way of a nice and easy dinner and a chick flick! Continue Reading →

Friday Flaw Day Part Trois

Happy Friday everyone! This will be a bit of quick post, as it’s a busy day once again in the life of a Sometimes Healthy Girl. Here are some more of my little quirks for you to enjoy/to make you feel better about yourself because you are more normal than me 🙂

My Teeth aren’t Perfect

They are far from perfect in fact. I was supposed to have a dentist appointment today to fix some cavities, but she canceled on me! Has that ever happened to you? Well, it certainly made my day! Good karma from all of the actual DATES that have canceled on me? 😉 Full disclosure: I put off going to the dentist for a LONG time before I finally went last month. I will not share the amount unless you beg and plead in the comments section…In addition to the cavities, my bottom teeth are crooked. I think the crookedness gives them character (not really, I’m too lazy to fix them).

With my good friend, Anna Banana - look closer and youll see some not perfect teeth!

Continue Reading →

A Pop-Tart Kind of Day!

Which one of these little UNhealthy treats did this Sometimes Healthy Girl enjoy today?

A. Strawberry Pop-Tarts

And Im transported back to elementary school...

B. Pretzels and Cream Cheese

Howd that sign get there?

C. Whipped Cream…out of the can?

uh oh...this picture looks suspect...

If you guessed all of the above…you are correct. As a prize, I’ll ship you a month’s supply of pretzels, cream cheese and Reddi Whip (this is clearly a joke but if any of you are interested in this “prize” whatsoever then you should continue to read my blog because clearly we are soulmates). Continue Reading →

A Change In Plans

New Yorkers working harrrrd

I had to work late tonight, but thankfully, it inspired me to write what I planned on being tonight’s post… That was then, but as in life, and especially in NYC, things just don’t always go as planned…

I like my original post, so I’m going to use it to paint a picture of how I got to where I am right now. You’ll just have to read through it all to get to the deeper stuff ;-).

Tonight’s post was going to start as follows:  How I Put on a Happy Face When Working Late

So goes the “glamorous” NYC life. We play hard, but we work way harder (at least I do!).  This is an aspect of New York that I think Hollywood gets right (Devil Wears Prada is my fave movie of all time). Continue Reading →

A Sometimes Healthy Morning Routine (Sometimes)

Up and at em!

Am I the only one that finds it absolutely fascinating to glimpse into other people’s morning routines? There is something so intriguing to me in learning about how someone else balances it all in the AM. Julie’s routine, for instance, amazes me nearly every day. That girl fits in so much in a short span of time! Gym, dog walking, making an attractive and tasty breakfast, and finally making herself look fabulous (although I doubt it takes much ;-)). Please read her post for tips on streamlining the routine, because let me tell ya, I still haven’t figured it out!

My interest in reading about her routine led me to believe some might be interested in the typical morning for a 20-something New York girl who TRIES to be healthy. Please note: Today’s routine does not always happen. There are many days where I get home too late to wake up at such an early hour or days that I just don’t feel like waking up. Also, when I do fit it in, I’m generally 10-15 minutes behind schedule and running around frantically. But, here’s how it all went down this morning…. Continue Reading →

Ice Cream for Dinna!

Well…not exactly. More like fro yo. And my original mission to get in on Ben & Jerry’s Free Cone Day went astray when I got out of work just 30 minutes before the offer expired and realized the nearest B&J’s was a long walk/subway ride away.

PLUS, this rainy mess is what I was greeted with when I walked outside…

Rainy days go away!

Rainy weather + late night at the office = abort mission free cone. Yet, despite the rainy/dreary weather, I still had ice cream on the brain. So after my quick workout, I set out satisfy my craving.

Luckily there were plenty of options… Continue Reading →