A Pop-Tart Kind of Day!

Which one of these little UNhealthy treats did this Sometimes Healthy Girl enjoy today?

A. Strawberry Pop-Tarts

And Im transported back to elementary school...

B. Pretzels and Cream Cheese

Howd that sign get there?

C. Whipped Cream…out of the can?

uh oh...this picture looks suspect...

If you guessed all of the above…you are correct. As a prize, I’ll ship you a month’s supply of pretzels, cream cheese and Reddi Whip (this is clearly a joke but if any of you are interested in this “prize” whatsoever then you should continue to read my blog because clearly we are soulmates). Continue Reading →

A Change In Plans

New Yorkers working harrrrd

I had to work late tonight, but thankfully, it inspired me to write what I planned on being tonight’s post… That was then, but as in life, and especially in NYC, things just don’t always go as planned…

I like my original post, so I’m going to use it to paint a picture of how I got to where I am right now. You’ll just have to read through it all to get to the deeper stuff ;-).

Tonight’s post was going to start as follows:  How I Put on a Happy Face When Working Late

So goes the “glamorous” NYC life. We play hard, but we work way harder (at least I do!).  This is an aspect of New York that I think Hollywood gets right (Devil Wears Prada is my fave movie of all time). Continue Reading →

Kitchen Sink Salad- Thanksgiving Style

Wish I had time to make this...but I'll settle for the Kitchen Sink Salad version 😉

Nope, it’s not a typo, you read it right. Tonight I was craving another Kitchen Sink Salad, but with a Thanksgiving twist. I don’t know what it is about Mondays and giant salads, but this appears to be a consistent pattern for me. I think there are 2 reasons for this: a) I’m usually tired on Mondays and b) I crave something healthy after a weekend of Sometimes Healthy or just plain UNhealthy meals.

True, an Easter Egg Salad might have been more appropriate (still coming), but hey, if you can have Christmas in July, why not Thanksgiving in April? I got my “inspiration” for this salad back when I worked in Chicago and and enjoyed the perks of a giant salad bar in the building next door. I developed all sorts of creations in this salad mecca, and every now and then I recreate them. Continue Reading →

Girl vs. Spaghetti Squash

As alluded to in my post earlier today, I will now share the recipe that was both my dinner last night AND my breakfast this morning 🙂 Didn’t it look delish? (maybe not but it obviously tasted good enough to entice me to eat it twice in 8 hours)….

A dinner so good, I ate it for breakfast too!

For the past few days, I’ve opened my fridge and seen a giant spaghetti squash glaring back at me. I have been meaning to do something with this ugly yellow vegetable for the longest time, but I’m just too unambitious by the time I walk in the door from a long day at work. Plus – I hate trying to cut foods that have a hard shell. I’m worried the knife will slip and disaster will strike.

Last night, I finally decided to bite the bullet. I figured if I was going to attack this beastly vegetable, I’d make it worthwhile and create a Spaghetti Squash Casserole. Continue Reading →

A New Yorker’s Kitchen Sink Dinner and the Forbidden Fruit

Hope everyone had a tolerable Monday :-). It was a long day at work for me so I’ll be watching the b-ball game from the comfort of my cozy little apartment. GOOOO Bulldogs!!

Unfortunately, I find myself getting home from work relatively late at least a couple nights a week. And pretty much all I want to do once I walk in that door is turn on some quality television (you know Real Housewives, Bachelor, etc.), eat something easy and go to bed. Tonight was certainly one of those nights!

Read on to see a New Yorker’s Mexican Kitchen Sink Dinner Continue Reading →