Ode to Sometimes Healthy Dad

Ode to Sometimes Healthy Dad,

I know you hate pictures, but I couldn't do a post about you without them...SORRY DAD!

Who always sends me a thoughtful and uplifting card, whenever I’m really sad.

Although you don’t quite understand my obsessions with wacky food combos and my needs to always get in a good run

Must run for happiness...you understand right?

You’ve supported me through every crazy adventure and without you, I never would have gotten any of it doneContinue Reading →

Fro Yo With a Smile

Who wouldn't want to run by this?

It was the perfect day for a run here in NYC.

Clear skies, hot temps (but not too hot), and low humidity. The kind of day where it feels like the entire city is out running, biking, walking around, shopping or day drinking. Yet, still, around 10:30, I found myself indoors performing my typical pre-run procrastination routine: SoapNet’s Breakfast in Bed (One Tree Hill and 90201 marathon), bowl(s) of cereal and some major cuddle time with the couch monster.

As enjoyable as it was, I felt a bit guilty wasting even a portion of such beautiful weather on the couch. Thankfully, my best friend, Michelle, called and asked me to meet her down on the Lower East Side track for a run and more importantly, some catch-up time. Michelle was in Europe for 10 days recently, so we had a lot to chat about. Continue Reading →

Tennis Ball Therapy

Just popping in quickly to give an update on the never-ending foot saga. Chloe has caused me to feel rather uninspired on the writing front, so I’ll illustrate how today’s doctor’s appointment went with a few quick pics. Enjoy!

And that, my friends, is a recap of my 60 minute doctor’s appointment! The good news? This problem is 100% treatable and just involves a little bit of work on my end to keep it from flaring up. The bad news? I think the name, plantar fascitis, sounds kind of gross. Plus, the doctor was extremely good-looking (thus, the lipstick face) and there will never be any hope for us now that he has seen my “in-major-need-of-a-pedicure” feet. You win some, you lose some!

Anyway, in all seriousness, I feel so fortunate that this a minor issue I can fix, basically with a FROZEN TENNIS BALL!! I read all the time about runners with much worse injuries, so I am one lucky Sometimes Healthy Girl. I had a feeling this might be the problem, but I don’t believe in the whole self-diagnosis thing. Google does not = Doctor.

I was so excited about my diagnosis that I went straight to work to utilize our brand new “workout” room.

Our New Office Workout Room: Look at those feet go!

Now that the good news is out, I’m going to go enjoy a nice, hot, sweaty…workout!

Happy Feet Friday Everyone!


Do you ever self-diagnose? Have you ever been right? Ever been wrong?

Have you ever had a cute doctor?

Got Stress?

got stress?

Yep, this girl does…That’s why she’s sitting in her cubicle inhaling Reddi Whip…straight out of the can.

I’d love to give you wise advice on how to cope with stress but given that this Sometimes Healthy Girl was voted “Most Stressed” out of a high school class of nearly 500 students, not sure how credible that advice would be.

10 Years, None the Wiser?

Sadly, not much has changed in the 10 years since I graduated high school (yes 10 – my reunion is in July). Plus, when I was voted “Most Stressed,” I lived a simple country  suburban life in Nebraska. Now I live in the most fast-paced city in the world. As you can imagine, the intensity of the NYC lifestyle hasn’t helped me out in the stress department.

Nevertheless, in all those years of trials and tribulations, I have developed some coping “mechanisms.” Over the past couple of weeks, some positive changes at work have increased my stress level just a bit. Yesterday was a 12 hour humdinger at the ol’ office so I had to reach into my bag of tricks to keep myself from calling my mother to say, “I’m so stressed. I can’t handle it” or gchatting my brother to say something similar.

Here’s How a Sometimes Healthy Girl Copes with Stress

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Walk it Out – Deep Thoughts, By Sometimes Healthy

Time for the rain!

Yesterday, after a long day at work, I just felt like walking. So I decided I’d walk the 2 miles to the gym near my apt to clear my head and get in a little extra cardio. I love walking home in New York, because even when I take the exact same path, I always notice something different each time. Usually it’s a fro yo joint I hadn’t previously seen, but occasionally, it’s something more profound, like a sushi restaurant or a Dunkin Donuts.

Anyway, sadly, when I walked outside, I was greeted by the gray, rainy skies in the picture to the right. I could have hopped on the subway or taken a cab, but after record hot temps the past few days, the rain was actually refreshing. So, I threw on my T-Swift Pandora station, broke out my umbrella and decided to “walk it out.”

Aww Taylor, you always have the answer to all my problems.

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How to Make Your Coworkers L-O-V-E You

Anyone who knows this Sometimes Healthy girl is probably well aware of the fact that I earn people’s love and affection by bribing them with cookies, candy and other sweets.  In fact, I’m not sure my friends actually like me.

Maybe, they’re just sticking with this quirky girl for the sweets…

If I could buy the world a cupcake, I totally would...

It’s entirely possible my previous 6 year relationship was built on a foundation of ice cream and cupcakes.

A relationship built on ice cream! Why not?

Anyway, just so happens I’m a pretty popular girl in the office as well. I don’t want to brag, but I know how to bring a crowd to my little cubicle.

Here’s how a Sometimes Healthy Girl earns the affection of her lovely coworkers:

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Girls on the Run 5K Recap: A Lesson in Runpowerment!

This morning I started off my day in my favorite way: Running.

But, as much as I love running alone, what made today’s run EXTRA SPECIAL was the company. Today was the Girls on the Run Manhattan 5K, and I was privileged to be able to run as a Running Buddy alongside a very talented young runner, 9-year-old Makoyan. A very shy and modest little runner, Makoyan nearly left me in the dust as she completed the 5K at a pace remarkably fast for such a young runner. What impressed me even more was her modesty, determination and clear passion for running. The Girls on the Run 5K was by far one of my favorite races that I’ve ever run because I had the opportunity to see all of these young woman achieve a huge accomplishment: their first 5K. Continue Reading →

A Cupcake Photo Shoot in the Empire State

Yesterday, my best friend, Michelle, graduated from Fordham University’s Masters Program. Michelle has 5 brothers and sisters, but since her other sister’s undergrad graduation from University of New Hampshire was the same day, a few of us (plus one of Michelle’s sisters) got to ensure she had a big entourage.

Here’s a recap of the day, which ended the best way possible: with lots of cupcakes and celebration. Continue Reading →

Wise Graduation Advice: Wear Deodorant

Happy Saturday! I’ve been away from home since very early this morning, as I was attending my closest friend in NYC, Michelle’s, graduation. Today, she received her Master’s Degree from Fordham University. Congrats Michelle!

The graduation ceremony while long, was very inspiring with a great keynote speech by NBC News Anchor, Brian Williams.

All of this graduation talk got me thinking back to my own graduations. In my high school, the seniors on the newspaper staff got to write farewell columns in the final issue of the paper. Somehow, I still have the original column with me here in NYC!

I kept it alllll these years!

It was supposed to be a high school version of the Sunscreen Song. For those of you not familiar with this song, I highly suggest you click on the link. I couldn’t resist sharing my high school senior farewell column to my blog readers, as it’s interesting to see how much I’ve changed, yet stayed the same (I can’t believe my high school reunion is this summer!!) So, without further ado, here is my senior farewell column (beware – it’s long ;-)) circa 2001! Continue Reading →